Wedding Florists 101: Different Styles Of Bridal Hand Bouquets

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The ultimate statement piece of your wedding will be your bridal bouquet, aside from your wedding dress and stunning venue. The walk down the aisle moment cannot be complete without your stunning bridal bouquet. There are various things to consider when looking for a perfect bouquet. Choosing which flower you want and style can be easy with the friendly florist of bouquet delivery petaling jaya.

8 bridal bouquet designs

The bride must be the center of attraction for the crowd. Carrying the most stunning and unique design of a bridal bouquet can easily be noticed. If your wedding has set its date, you must prepare everything, especially your decoratives. From your bridal bouquet to flower arrangements in the wedding venue, all involved flowers give life to the special event.

Bridal Hand Bouquets

Round hand bouquet

It is a popular and timeless bouquet style among the brides. It is a compact cluster of flowers held together by a ribbon. The stems are shown under the ribbon when the customer prefers it.

Hand-tied bouquet

The hand-tied bouquet is the same as the round bouquet. The flowers are loosely red and not compact, but tied by a single ribbon. It shows the details of the stems completely, so this is a showy.


The mix between the hand-tied and round is the perfect choice for your bridesmaids. It works well with different flowers and is easily handled in a single hand. Unlike the round and hand-tied that should be held by both hands.


It is popularly known as the arm sheath with its stunning style. It is most identified as the bouquet of beauty pageants. The bouquet has a long stem showing off and held in one’s arm.


It is sometimes called waterfall style. The arrangement will be a cluster of flowers narrowing from the top to the bottom. It is an extravagant and glamorous choice, it has adopted the rustic feel with wildflowers and vines.


You can think of the mistletoe when you visualize the pomander bouquet style. It is also called a kissing ball, a perfect accessory for the flower girl. The hand bouquet is an assortment of flowers to be held by a single ribbon.


The nosegay bouquet has a compact design that includes more greenery over flowers. The brides opting for this style have their bridesmaids carrying small versions. It is an excellent choice for the throw bouquet.


The ballerina bouquet adds a tutu twist to the rounded bouquet, and tulle is added under the flowers. The style is so feminist, making it ideal for a girly bride-to-be.


Your wedding day cannot be complete without the most beautiful hand bouquet which is throwing is the next awaited part of the wedding ceremony. Hire the right wedding florist to make your wedding day more momentous.

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